Giuncatina with Arugula
Soft and fresh cow's milk cheese

Product code
This cheese is super fresh and very delicate. It is preserved in water and buttermilk in the draining baskets. After opening the package it must be used rapidly. The fresh cow’s milk is delivered to the cheese factory where it is analysed and pasteurised (the milk is heated at 71.3°C for 15 sec. and then quickly cooled down). It is then poured in big cauldrons where the temperature reaches 32-38 °C, the liquid calf rennet is added to it and the coagulation takes place in about 25-30 min. The cheese maker decides when to break the curd, using a tool called a “spino”. The curd is cut into walnut/hazel nut sized bits, the cut arugola is added and the curd is then placed manually in the draining baskets, after that they are placed in brine (water and salt) for a perfect degree of saltiness.
Pasteurised cow’s MILK, salt, rennet and arugula.
Allergens: Milk and milk derivatesMilk origin:
SHAPE: looks like an irregular cylinder with straight sides and flat concave surfaces
EXTERNAL FEATURES: milk white with specs of green (cut arugula), carries the marks of the draining mould which contains it.
INTERNAL FEATURES: the paste is soft, soft and crumbly with evenly distributed irregular eyes and green specs.AROMA: typical aroma of fresh milk and yogurt.
TASTE: balanced and sweet with a touch of saltiness to it and a characteristic acidic note, it has a very appealing taste which it gets from the arugula.
- Food pairings:
Low in calories, can be eaten as is or dressed with oil and pepper, suitable for summer salads.
- Wine pairings:
Goes well with any delicate low-alcohol white wine served cool.

Product code
- Shipping outside of Italy is not possible. Shipping time would not guarantee arrival before the product is due.
Unit of measurement
Package Type
Heat, sealed pan with water
Weight per piece
350 gr (3 for each tray)
Pieces per box
2 trays
Storage conditions
Refrigerate from 0°C to +4°C
Refrigerated from 0°C to +4°C
Product life in sealed package
9 days
Minimum order quantity
1 box (2 trays)
Average nutritional values
per 100 g of product
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