Infiniti Blu 2017: Five quality cheeses

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Also this year we have registered the latest news of our blue cheeses at the National Competition INFINITI BLU, to test their organoleptic characteristics and to submit them to a jury of qualified people.

The result was gratifying given that as many as 5 cheeses including the three new cheeses have obtained the Diploma of Quality:

“Irina”, the lover birikina, aged with sour cherries and pink pepper;

“Lo Sciortino”  at Rum and Pear;

“Luxuria”, the ambiguous blue of cow and buffalo aged with Vertmouth of Prato, licorice and raspberries;

And among the classics a confirmation for the Bracacio di Pecora and our Bianco-Blu, natural blue.

2017 Qualità Bianco Blu 2017 Qualità Briacacio 2017 Qualità Irina 2017 Qualità Luxuria 2017 Qualità Sciotino

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