De’ Magi for the first time at the Salon du Fromage 2024 in Paris

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The first time at the most important international event dedicated to the world of cheese.

From the heart of Tuscany to the French capital to bring a selection of our best cheeses to the attention of the international public.

An opportunity to grow in the world

France as the cheese capital of the world. Salon du Fromage as the most prestigious event in the world in the sector. De’ Magi’s journey towards an even more international dimension starts from here, alongside the many world recognitions already obtained.

A success that looks to the future

Participating in the Salon du Fromage 2024 was an extraordinary experience. The company has had the opportunity to make its brand known to an international audience of enthusiasts and operators in the sector, achieving great success in terms of visibility and appreciation with new distribution opportunities in many countries. An international debut is never easy, but we can be proud of the result both in terms of consensus and commercially.

“We are proud to have brought our cheeses to Paris, a city that has always represented a point of reference for world gastronomic culture, and in particular for cheese. The success achieved at the Salon du Fromage confirms to us that the tradition of our products and the quality of our work is highly appreciated even beyond the Italian borders. It has been an extraordinary month that makes us look to the future with enthusiasm and optimism. We prepare ourselves for new challenges, always with the aim of making the excellence of the world known to the whole world our brand”.

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